This is our specialist for difficult missions. The MAN TGS combines an unrivalled payload with powerful engines and a generous range of drive configurations.
- Powerful drive
- Enormous payload and maximum reliability
- Innovative efficiency and safety systems
- Outstanding comfort and new practical equipment features

The MAN TGS is characterised by its excellent performance in national and close-to-the-border long-haul transport, as well as in heavy-duty short-haul, municipal and building site traffic. The high-torque Common Rail engines and the MAN TipMatic® automatic gear shift system provide the necessary dynamics. With its high payload, unique ergonomics and economy, the MAN TGS sets the standard in long-distance transport.
A range of intelligent assistance systems and innovative technologies guarantee improved driving comfort, maximum efficiency and a high level of transport safety. These take the pressure off the driver on long journeys and ensure that the truck reaches its destination efficiently and on time. For longer trips, the modern cabs of the MAN TGS provide high-quality living comfort. Discover the new MAN TGS.